Wednesday, April 20, 2011

no sound but the wind

i had the honour of taking an intense eight-week chakra workshop earlier this year with my beautiful goddess yoga teacher. i am not at all a professional chakra teacher - but i do know them very well, and continue to attend a weekly chakra yoga class, where each week we focus on a different chakra and practice & honor it. what i am is definitely in tune with my chakras - very well aware of which are open and closed, and work to continue to open and close other chakras that might need opening or closing. i continue to study them further and think they are so fascinating, as they are the main energy points in our body. therefore! i feel comfortable speaking about them and diving into them with those who are anxious to learn.

my one teacher began class two weeks ago with this jam as we were embracing the solar plexus, our third chakra ~ where our inner fire resides. a solar plexus yoga class is not the most favourite - based solely on core as it is located just below the sternum, extending down the navel; but do you ever realize how amazing the solar plexus truly is? it's the center of our identity & selfhood - our ego. before we become, we need to have a strong ego - and for some, this is a huge risk.

whenever our ego is challenged, or we are faced with an emotion - we immediately go to the solar plexus. it holds our trust, self-esteem, responsibility. it's a comfort. when not treated happily, it's something that can lead to eating disorders, fear and not honoring our true self. if treated beautifully, this is where we are in touch with our needs, desires and constructs about life and the world in which we live.

when we were studying this chakra, we were asked:
'what do you need from life?'
'what do you desire from life?'
'are you holding onto parental or authority messages about what is 'good' or 'right' for you? choose for yourself'.

so. powerful. these are questions i ask for you to reflect on. sit down and really reflect on. make your vision board. be daring and really dig out what YOU desire from life, regardless of what anyone else would think. (this! is where it can be a risk for some, as they believe their dreams may not be favoured by loved ones or significant others, or looked at silly for having such grandiose dreams)

developmentally, this chakra forms between the ages of 8-12. think about your life then. how did your parentals treat you? did they push you? were you independent? this all affects how your current day solar plexus. for me, this is the time when my father passed away and i moved in with my grandparents, who allowed me to blossom into my own lotus flower. i have a very healthy and strong solar plexus which is open in a tiny way. (i struggle with what i want from life, is not what is expected of me, so i hide behind my dreams - rather then follow them).

i protect my solar plexus now. it is everything that i have. it's where my dreams sleep at night and are itching to come out. it's where my secrets are kept. it is who i am.

(if you wish to meditate on the solar plexus here are some FYI's!
  • the colours are yellow, gold or rose. i love to picture a yellow light beaming out of my solar plexus when i meditate on it. yellow is a mental color and is actually helpful when you are doing a sort of work that requires memorization. gold promotes healing + should be pictured as gentle sunlight. actual sunlight helps the beautiful body with metabolism, eyesight and the overall well being of the body. the colour rose also promotes healing and brings softness, which the solar plexus requires!
  • the key words are: logic, reason & opinion (an independent rationale is needed to make the decisions about life that allow us to reach our full and personal potential). assimilation (the solar plexus is connected to the digestive system, the assimilation of food + nutrients & the mental assimilation of knowledge and experience.
  • the element is fire (masculine energy).
  • the prayer of affirmation is: "through the gift of fire let reason, logic, opinion and assimilation become truly linked to inspiration that we are not bound within limitation and separation."

let your inner fire burn bright,
m xo

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