Wednesday, August 17, 2011


As I embrace my late 20's this Saturday, it had me thinking of all that I have done, seen and accomplished this past year. It has been, hands down, a very trying year. But those tough times, the times when you don't think you can see another day, are the times that make you stronger.

After losing my grandfather, I re-evaluated my life. Why am I here? What can I give? Am I true? My grandparents taught me to follow my dreams, and the death of my grandfather taught me that NOW was the moment. So, I took my dreams. I ran with them. I didn't look back. I did some things impulsively. I traveled recklessly. I expanded my mind and put my thoughts and actions out there. I LIVED.

The accomplishments? I traveled to VT for the beautiful Wanderlust festival. I enrolled in Laughing Lotus' distinguished teacher training. I held hands with many cute boys. I stood up for myself. I coloured my hair. I cut out negative individuals from my life. I gave myself a name in the local manhattan yoga community. I found MY own community. I worked out those chakras. I danced till my feet hurt. I found my own rhythm. I saw love unravel. I lived in a tent for a week in the woods on a lake. I spent a whole day beginning and finishing a novel. I cried in public. I donated to charity. I reconnected with old friends. I forgave. I accepted. I found something I was passionate about. I woke up every morning and meditated. I ran (until a hamstring injury!). I spent weekends in the country. I accepted flaws. I accepted others. I accepted stillness. I wandered. I got lost. I opened my door, heart and arms to new people. I accepted being alone. I mended that broken heart. I found freedom. I researched. I gave. I took. I said no. I manifested. I counseled. I taught.
I began to finally feel free.

Thank you, friends, for sticking through with me this year. Thank you to my beloved mama and grandfather for being my angels through this journey. Thank you universe, for sticking me here, right now. I have found my reason.

peace & om,


  1. I love this post. I think we all dream or hope that one day we can experience everything in this post which you have brilliantly listed.
