Tuesday, May 3, 2011

happy new moon in taurus!

as we begin this gorgeous month of may, we begin to see the earth blossom and unfold right before our very eyes... especially, if we are one of those human beings who are lucky enough to have all four seasons. we can feel spring, see spring and certainly smell spring.

as with any new month, we also are blessed with a gorgeous new moon. this month our new moon took place on tuesday, may 3rd at 1:51 a.m. and is in TAURUS. how did you take it in? did you moon salute to that gorgeous beauty in the sky yet? (no? get on it!)

if you are like me, i set an intention every new moon. i also meet with a group of powerful women during the new moon inside my yoga studio, and we share every dream possible by candlelight. we cry, we laugh and we help each other grow. we pick a goddess card for the month, and set our intentions, while washing away what does not serve us.

as the new moon is in taurus, i am focusing on my future. what i am desiring. i am being held back from my self-doubt, so i am washing that away and riding myself of self-sabotage. i want to be free and i want to live my life with passion, doing what i love.

my intentions for the month lay here. (all information comes from jan spiller's book - new moon astrology.

taurus rules ACCUMULATION, including:
money, material comforts, ownership, possessions.

sample wishes to appropriately increase money & possessions:
"i want to easily find myself creating financial independence in a happy way!"; "i want to attract & purchase the right _____ (possession) at a price i can afford!"; "i want to easily find myself living in comfortable surroundings."

taurus rules the PHYSICAL SENSES, including:
sensuality, heightened tactile enjoyment, massage, physical comfort, aromas, tastes.

sample wishes to appropriately increase sensual experience and enjoyment:
"i want to begin purchasing clothes that feel comfortable and sensual against my skin"; "i want to find myself enjoying and appreciating the tastes, smells, and textures of the food i eat."

taurus rules the ENJOYMENT OF LIFE ON EARTH including:
appreciation, gratitude, simple physical pleasures, rapport with nature, satisfaction, contentment.

samples wishes to appropriately enhance enjoyment of life:
"i want to enjoy and appreciate my life"; "i want to count my blessings and feel thankful for the good things that are in my life"; i want to easily find myself consciously and consistently appreciating the abundance of life and Mother Nature."

taurus rules SELF-WORTH including:
awareness of personal needs, setting appropriate boundries, strong values, determination, self-acceptance.

sample wishes to appropriately increase self worth:
"i want to find what's important to me, and easily find myself living according to those values"; "i want to consciously and consistently experience feelings of self-worth in every area in my life."

taurus also rules in: building (solid foundations, persistence, progressing step by step, thoroughness, perseverance), reliability (patience, dependability, trustworthiness, steadfastness), inflexibility (stubbornness, attachment, resistance to change, possessiveness), restoring health (coughs, throat, chin + neck, thyroid gland, voice & vocal cords).

so, where do you stand this month? what do you want to may-nifest? change? work on? it's all new. and it all starts today, right now, with you and your wildest dreams.

"tell me ~ what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" -mary oliver.

om om om,
m xo

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