Friday, September 9, 2011

remembering 9/11.

We all have our own 9/11 story.

I grew up on Long Island, and was in my senior year of high school. On top of the world. Editor of our school newspaper. Editor of our literary magazine. Applying to colleges far away. Friends with all. Being myself. I thought I had it made.

I was walking to American History II (ironic) when a friend of mine ran down the halls, which were abnormally crowded on this particular day, to our teacher screaming "A plane just hit one of the twin towers!" I remember my teachers face, he was confused, not sure if this was a joke, and looked sick to his stomach. We all shuffled into the classroom and he turned on the news. Sure enough. It happened. As we were watching, the second plane hit. All I can honestly remember is hearing him say "This is the start to a very sick war". I numbly remember eating a bagel during lunch, trying frantically to get in touch with loved ones, but there was no cell phone service.

I can tell you how I came home to see my grandmother crying on the couch. It was her birthday, and her immediate thought was that her grandsons would be drafted for war. I can tell you how I smelled burning bodies and dying flesh, as I lived 60 miles from Manhattan. I can tell you how I didn't sleep for a week, and the slightest overhead noise bought pure panic to my heart. I can tell you I lost people I knew. I can tell you how that one day, bonded millions of humans together, and is a day that continues to do so.

Today, I ask you to sit for a moment and reflect. Think about your story. Where you were. What you were. And where you are now. Take a moment to be grateful for your precious life, and those lives around you. September 11th, 2001 was a day of pain, anger and loss. Make September 11, 2011 a day where you truly reflect on what you want in life, and make it happen. Find a cause. Give back.

Please share your story with me. Share your dreams. Your hopes. Your wishes. Your reflections. Shanti shanti shanti.


To you, Creator of nature and humanity,

of truth and beauty, I pray:

Hear my voice,

for it is the voice of the victims of all wars and violence among individuals and nations.

Hear my voice,

for it is the voice of all children who suffer

and will suffer when people put their faith

in weapons and war.

Hear my voice,

when I beg you to instill into the heart

of all human beings, the wisdom of peace,

the strength of justice and the joy of fellowship.

Hear my voice,

for I speak for the multitudes in every country

and every period of history who do not want war

and are ready to walk the road of peace.

Hear my voice,

and grant insight and strength so that we may always

respond to hatred with love, to injustice with total dedication to justice,

to need with sharing of self, to war with peace.

O God, hear my voice,

and grant unto the world your everlasting peace.

- Pope John Paul II

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